Monday, May 17, 2010

My neighbor Brenda teaches Sasha to dance

I've been trying to find new tricks to teach the pup, and it's hard to find instructions that make sense, especially for so small a dog. So my neighbor Brenda has been helping out. Her dog, Chato, is a year and a half old, so she and her husband have already been through the puppy training thing. Here Brenda is teaching Sasha how to "dance." She actually does pretty well by the end.

So far Sasha can sit, and give me her paw, and "come" when she wants to. She also isn't terrible at "wait" and "stay." But she needs to learn more. I taught her "paw" in one sitting, so the potential is definitely there. I just have to figure out HOW to teach her the tricks. I bought a book, but the instructions seem to be for a bigger dog. Any suggestions for her next tricks, and how to teach her? Brenda says to teach her to lay down by putting her on the couch, so I can get on the ground and move her feet out as I tell her to lay down. Haven't tried it yet, but will..

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